Sunday, December 10, 2006


I did it. I took the step. I did the research, filled out the paperwork, drove to the campus, stood in all the appropriate lines and finally came away happier but poorer.

Since I don't feel that between working two jobs (and commuting 45 minutes to an hour each way for one of them!), being a housewife, and teaching Primary I'm nearly busy enough, I've decided to throw some schoolwork on top of it all. I registered to take 3 classes - 7 credits - from Prince George's County Community College next semester, in an effort to be academically progressive between now and next January when I'll (hopefully) start attending the University of Maryland. For various reasons, my last semester at BYU wasn't great (okay okay so that's an understatement - I was put on academic warning for not taking the exams in half of my classes). I need to prove that I can do well in school before UMD will ever even consider accepting me.

It has been easy for me to talk of returning to school and finishing my degree, but it's very difficult to actually take the step forward and do it. I have a terrible fear of failure. As I was driving to the campus to register, I very nearly flipped a U-turn in the middle of the road and pretended like I'd never had the idea at all. It's too bad I had already discussed my plan with Scott - I couldn't back out. *sigh* I admit, though, that I do miss school, and am the tiniest bit excited to return.

And yet I'm completely terrified.


Audrey Michal said...

my dear brave Tarythe, You will be resplendent, so never fear. I love you.

Julie said...

I need to do the same thing. I'm stuck on the whole having to set up an appt with my stake pres. otherwise I'm all done too. the last step is scary.