Monday, July 09, 2007

Off to Camp

There are reasons I'm looking forward to Girls' Camp this next week, and reasons I'm not. I'm super-excited to using my new tent and sleeping bag for the first time, but not looking forward to the muggy weather. Although I can't wait to get outside and just enjoy nature, I'll miss hot showers. Bed bugs surely won't follow me all the way to camp - but ticks, mosquitoes, and spiders will gladly take their place in eating me alive. Also, I'm not sure how I'll survive without my computer for a week. Or my husband.

I leave in 30 minutes - here's to hoping I make it back alive. :)


Debi Lynn said...

Don't worry, if you're not back in a week, we'll send out search and rescue.

Emilie said...

Have a blast T!!!!