Saturday, February 09, 2008

Update and thoughts on being sick

Well, Christmas is past, the New Year has come, and school is back in session. So I'm going to get back into blogging. No, really.

I had a nice long break over the Christmas holiday that even stretched a few weeks into January. Scott and I went to Texas for Christmas and Virginia to ski for New Year's. We had a lot of fun. When we got back we spent our time getting ready for the next semester and doing all the boring stuff (insurance, car repairs, etc.) that we'd put off for the holidays but wanted to get done before the hustle and bustle of the school semester started. I started working in my new role of assistant stake director for Girls' Camp this coming summer, which gave me a decent amount to do. The day before school started I found out that 2 of my 4 classes had been canceled because not enough people had signed up for them, so I did some juggling and worked out a new schedule. I actually think it will work out much better than my old one.

And now for the sob story. In the midst of my recent activities, my health has been failing me somewhat. A month ago tomorrow, I came down with some sort of flu (on top of some really painful menstrual cramps). My throat burned and my body ached. 5 days later I was feeling mostly better, and then my nose stuffed up. On came the symptoms of a head cold. It also lasted for 4 or 5 days, and hard on its heels was a sinus infection - the kind that hurts right behind your cheekbone, and makes your ears, eyes, and upper teeth sore as well. 24 hours after I thought I was better my throat started killing me - it may have been strep - and it felt like I had a golf ball stuck halfway down my esophagus. Oh the agony. I finally consented to go to the doctor last Friday, because my next chance to go after that would have been on Tuesday (I have 7 hours of classes on Mondays that I can't miss). I took the prescribed antibiotics and started feeling better over the weekend. By Wednesday I was feeling 100% again, and rejoicing in my final recovery. But alas, Scott got the stomach flu Wednesday evening and out of the blue (I'd been feeling fine up until that point) I started throwing up Friday night. Today I've been successfully keeping food down but feeling pretty crummy.

I'm so sick of being sick.


April said...

T - I'm so sorry you've been sick. You need to call me so I can come help you. I'm so sorry - I was sick last week and missed 2 days of work and it's pretty miserable.

Audrey Michal said...

I'm sorry baby. Feel better. Love you.

Chicken Dust said...

Where are you?!?

Did the ick get you down so far that you died? j/k I just wanted to say hi. Hope you're FINALLY feeling better.