Tuesday, March 28, 2006


I'm writing the following while on narcotics; if it doesn't make any sense I'm not responsible. :)

"Alright, Tarythe, just lie down now."
Oh, yeah right, like that's going to work on me. Uh-uh, I'm going home and they can't stop me.
Audrey and Scott tried a few times to lie me down on the couch, pushing my head and shoulders over one time and pulling my feet up the next, then attempting to do both at the same time so as to throw me off balance. I wouldn't have it. I sat up, shook my head, and simply said, "No."

It took them a few tries, but eventually they won and I was lying on my back on the couch.
Why am I still here? I want to go home! I hate the dentist. Now, where's the car?
Little to my knowledge, I was no longer at the dentist's office but already in my apartment.

I titlted my head and looked inquiringly at Scott. "I love you. Where's LaQueshawnda?"

LaQueshawnda is Scott's car and the vehicle I knew I was riding home in. I don't remember what Scott replied, but I wasn't listening anyway. I couldn't believe that I was still at the dentist's office and that noone was cooperating with me. I turned away from everyone and went promptly to sleep.

I fought the drugs all afternoon. I wanted to be awake and interacting with people, and kept trying to join in others' conversations. "Be quiet and just go to sleep, Tarythe."
"No," I replied. "I already had a 3-hour nap today. I'm fine."

I, for some reason, equated "being sedated for a 3-hour surgery" with "a 3-hour nap".

I didn't want to be lying down. I would periodically get up for no apparent reason; I myself don't even remember exactly why, except for the fact that I wanted to be up and not still stuck on the couch. Only once or twice I had a specific reason for jumping up suddenly and attempting to sprint out of the room. The first was I wanted to be in my pajamas. As much as I love wearing them, jeans aren't quite as comfortable as the cotton duck-print pjs that my mother lovingly made for me over Christmas, and I was determined to switch out the first for the second. Audrey tried to dissuade me, saying that Scott couldn't help me change but that she would in a few minutes; she was lying, but I didn't recognize it in her voice and I was momentarily appeased. But only momentarily.
Wait a minute, pajamas! I want my pajamas now, not later. Silly Audrey.
Suddenly I stood up and stumbled out of the room at a dangerously quick pace. Cassidy followed behind, asking me where I was going to and what I thought I was doing. I simply said, "pajamas". I somehow pulled on the duck-print pants, and tried to walk back out to the living room until Cassidy threw a shirt at me and I realized that I was only half-dressed. Thank goodness for roommates. I went back out to where everyone was and collapsed back onto the couch, much more comfortable. I slipped back out of consciousness.

I've spent the last few days doing pretty much nothing; everything makes me feel naseous and the drugs keep me in a constant state of drowsiness. My roommates keep getting frustrated with me, because I try to walk around and will collapse unexpectedly. I just hope that this doesn't last for long.

Drugs + Tarythe = Bad.

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