Friday, April 27, 2007

Going hungry

Normally, I don't have a weak stomach. I have heard many a repulsive topic discussed at the dinner table and not flinched. I grew up with my father's friends, after all. I suppose I pride myself on this somewhat - I enjoy my qualities that make me less than 100% girl. But right now my stomach is churning and I don't think I can eat anything, though my belly is also growling for want of food.

I have few problems with bugs, snakes and spiders - as long as they stay out of my house. The exception is cockroaches. Unfortunately for me, they thrive in DC - especially in apartment buildings like mine - and at first I would gasp and freeze every time I saw one in my kitchen. Scott would come to my rescue as I squealed and closed my eyes (not some of my prouder moments). I grew used to seeing them, though, often more than one at a time and of greatly varying sizes. I became ferocious in my attempt to eliminate every bug that I saw, setting out homemade traps (none of which have worked so far, but I'm not done trying) and squishing every visible insect with great zeal. I'm pretty sure I growled sometimes too.

This morning didn't start out being the best morning ever, but it was decent. I got my Nutrition homework finished, emptied the shower water with a bucket (our bathtub won't drain), and went to get breakfast. I was really excited to eat my bowl of Frosted Flakes and banana. I picked up the bag of cereal and emptied some of the contents into my bowl, which I then picked up. Before I could even get the milk out of the refrigerator, 2 cockroaches came crawling out of my cereal bowl!!! I screamed and dropped the bowl on the floor, spilling cereal and more cockroaches all over the floor. I think there were about 8 of them. After a couple of minutes of panting in the corner, afraid to move, I cleaned up the cereal off the floor and threw the rest of the bag away - but I refuse to go back into the kitchen.

I also don't think I'll be eating anything soon.


April said...

EWWWWW!!! Yucky, yucky!!! Well, I'm glad we were eating rice krisy treats yesterday and not frosted flakes treats. It reminds me of a morning a few years back when I poured my Cheerios and out came hundreds of ants....not to make your stomach even worse. Love ya!

Audrey Michal said...

bugs for breakfast! It's the worst, I know. Hun, I'm so sorry.

Julie said...

SEE!!! sometimes gasping and/or screams are necessary. somehow I feel my fear of spiders justified. roaches are gross but don't frighten me. a word from the wise: never, never, ever, ever, never-ever sleep with your mouth open.

Emilie said...

That's so nasty!!!!! I'm scared to move to DC now! :) I'm so sorry Tarythe. That would certainly ruin my eating habits as well.