Friday, January 27, 2006


They say that patience is a virtue...but I'm not feeling very virtuous right now. Or patient, for that matter.

There are so many things in life that I want. Most of them I have, but there are a few that I don't. And concerning those things which I Veruca Salt, I want them now. Not in a few weeks or a year or 10 years.

1. I want a car. I would use a car not only to drive me between point A and point B, but also as a way to relax, listen to music, and have some "me" time. Instead of taking long walks by myself in the middle of the night, I would opt for a quick post-midnight jaunt down the freeway to clear my head.

2. I want to know if I've been accepted into my major. Of course, this requires me turning in the application...hmm, I suppose I should get on that.

3. I want a new laptop. My current one is only 2 years old, but the blasted thing keeps breaking. It will randomly decide to not turn on, and is convinced (despite all evidence to the contrary) that my D:\ doesn't exist. Stupid computer. Don't tell my laptop I said that.

4. I want my parcel to come. I've been anxiously waiting and waiting for a box to arrive in the mail, lovingly packed with some books, movies, and games that I got for Christmas. Every day that the parcel doesn't come just makes me want to watch Muppet Treasure Island and The Emperor's New Groove that much more...

5. I want ice cream, and the anticipation is killing me. What idiot said that awaiting something was sweeter than receiving it? They should be flogged. The end.

*Deep Sigh* Just Breathe...


Emilie said...

I want ice cream too!

Anonymous said...

ice cream, huh?

T said...

I suppose I should have said, "I want to /owe/ ice cream." But of course if any of you wants to owe me ice cream I would be okay with that too...

Julie said...

i dont think i count anymore, but, uh, yeah. i suppose i can relate (confusation can be cleared up personally). i want you to have a car too :)

Nora said...

Flogging is a dying art. There are many people these days who need a good flogging, but nobody to dish it. I should go into the flogging business. I could make a fortune.