Monday, January 23, 2006

Libera esse

A feeling of liberation can come from doing the most random things. Today I dropped my Geography 120 class, which I think may be one of the best decisions of my life. I can now officially say that I love every single one of my classes...while before, my response to queries about school was, "I love my classes! Well...except for this one, which I hate. The lectures are boring, the professor is unorganized, and the homework is useless. That's all there is to it." Or something similar to that. I realized this morning, however, that I had enough credit hours to drop the class and still have plenty of work to I did. Why keep a class that I dread going to? Besides, I'll be in school long enough to be able to take it another term from a different professor. :) Ah, the sweet sound of freedom...dulce et decorum est libera esse.

Ps. Okay okay so the real reason I dropped the class was so I wouldn't have to meet with "Dr. Richardson" in his office... ;)


Emilie said...

I was actually thinking you might be going insane when you announced 18 credit hours. ;) I'm so glad you love all your classes! It's hard to have a job, a boyfriend, AND homework. You're superwoman!

T said...

*blushing* Superwoman? Well, I get my inspiration from you, darling. :)