Saturday, January 14, 2006

(Best) Friends

"(Best) friends are those who walk in when the whole world has walked out. (Best) friends double your joys and divide your sorrows."

Admittedly, my criterion for someone upon whom I will bestow the title 'friend' isn't as strict as Audrey's. But there is a distinction between those I call 'friend' (pretty much anyone that I come across, and the equivalent of Audrey's 'positive acquaintance') and those that I consider my best friends. A 'friend' I will talk with, laugh with, and smile at when we pass on campus. A best friend I will stop to talk to even when I'm late to class, and walk out of my way to visit while they're at work. A friend I will call to invite out somewhere, or to ask a question of. A best friend I will call for no reason at all, simply because I miss the sound of their voice. A friend I would trust with my life. A best friend I trust, implicitly, with things much more important to me than my life. I truly do love my best friends.

Last night at work, my best friends unwittingly kept me sane. Things were crazy; there were so many customers and not enough food or people to serve it. Most of the people who were working last night were new, and just barely trained - they were doing very well, but they still couldn't work fast enough. It was expected; it's simply a matter of time before they have to stop thinking so long and hard about how to make everything and just do it. I just have to be patient. I was trying not to rip my hair out, and fixing to sternly chide a new girl who thought her way was better, when a sudden thought struck me and I burst out laughing instead. Out of nowhere, the mental image of Bryan unwittingly picking up a prostitute entered my mind. Yes, unwittingly and yes, Bryan. The girl I was about to lash out at was saved. After that, all I had to do was think of my best friends and I would immediately cheer up. I thought of Cassidy and singing along to Wicked. I thought of Julie and her Hobbes-like pouncing. I smiled at the thought of Ted's trademark "there there" pat, and of Jocilyn's contrasting pat of reassurance. I thought of Hannah and spontaneously jumping in the river. I recalled Caitlin's contagious laughter and Emilie's gorgeous singing. I remembered being so content that I fell asleep to Audrey's reading her (quite brilliant) novel aloud. I thought of past-midnight movies on the balcony, trips to the Malt Shoppe, pranks at Stonehenge, lunch at the Creamery, Epic Duels, pie nights that invariably included steak, Nuke'em, Sunday afternoon picnics, driving the long way to Old Wardour Castle, ice cream at The Pizza Factory, and apartment dance parties.

I probably don't tell my best friends often enough that I love them or let them know how much I appreciate them. I love them all dearly, and each one has had a significant impact on my life; a debt which can never be repaid. No matter what happens in the remainder of my life, they will each be very dear to me. I only hope they realize this. :)


Emilie said...

Thanks T. We love you too!

Ben said...

Do hugs, not drugs? What about wugs?

T, keep on scoopin icey cream. And makin friends.

T said...

Sadly (and shockingly) enough, I haven't as of yet had experience with wugs. But they look fabulous - and of course I would definitely put them over drugs. But are they really as good as hugs? Tough call.

And the scooping ice cream is driving me crazy. Good thing I'm a supervisor and don't have to anymore...:)