Sunday, November 27, 2005

Holiday Wrap-Up

It's Sunday and the Thanksgiving holiday is officially almost over. Tomorrow will see me back in classes, back at work, and once again going insane. The break was much-needed; I managed to avoid doing homework during most of the holiday. I made fairly little human contact after the big Turkey Day itself, on which I ate dinner with 35 other people - can anyone blame me for wanting to enjoy a little peace and quiet after that? Now, I'm a people-person, and love to socialize, but I must say that I've quite enjoyed my solitude for the last few days. I've pretty much stayed in my apartment. No pushing through the mass of 30,000 students in between classes, no fighting the crowds in the malls on Black Friday, no screaming customers that want their food cooked faster and to their personal specifications. Just me, or me and Audrey, or me and Jocilyn. With the snow falling lightly outside, a steaming mug of hot chocolate in my hand, and my puzzle or book in front of me, how on earth could I complain?

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