Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Thanksgiving Plans

The Thanksgiving holiday has started, and I am watching and rewatching my favourite scenes from Monty Python and the Holy Grail - to ensure that when I quote them I do so correctly. The house is quiet save for the TV. Emilie and Caitlin are with family in Kayesville, Cassidy has gone home to Farmington, and both Julie and Audrey are enjoying a lie-in. My plans for the day include baking, starting a jigsaw puzzle, organizing my room, and doing homework (as tragic as it is that I have to do homeork during a holiday). Tomorrow I will go to Kayesville with my friend Jocilyn, to join her family for Thanksgiving dinner. The group of us will talk, laugh, play games, and stuff ourselves until we cannot even think of eating another bite. Then I will return to my apartment, where I will have a couple more pieces of pie and likely collapse on the couch to watch a movie and enjoy doing nothing. The rest of the holiday will consist of rest and relaxation, or at least that's the plan. But, as they say, the most well-laid plans often go amiss...

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.


Anonymous said...

Don't jinx our weekend. I don't want to get in a car accident, have one of my family die or get sick, or do anything strenuous for the holiday. This time, the best laid plans WILL succeed!


T said...

It's too late for that, Jocilyn. Your little brother has already gotten sick...his x-ray vision is gone! Oh, dear, is there anything to be done?

Chicken Dust said...

oh dear, what shall we do?